Speech and language development is a vital part of a child’s growth. It is important to understand the truths behind these myths for providing the right support and guidance. While some might breeze through their milestones, others may need a bit more time or even professional assistance. You have to remember that every child is unique in their development patterns of speech and language skills.

Here are 5 Speech Language Therapy Myths

When it comes to our children's speech, we must be able to tell the myths apart from the facts. It is possible to improve a child's speech development with the help of a certified and experienced speech-language pathologist.

Myth 1 - Two language learning (bilingualism) causes language delay

FALSE- Bilingualism doesn’t causes speech-language delays instead learning a second language can have cognitive and social benefits.

Myth 2 - Speech therapy is all about playing.

FALSE- There are various and different approaches which are used by speech therapist in order to build child’s speech and language. It also important for rapport building with the child which a very first important and crucial step to start the speech-language therapy.

Myth 3 - Late talker catches up language normally.

FALSE- Latest researches shows that about 40-50% children who has speech-language delays are late talker. Many of the kids who are late talker picks up language normally but it doesn’t mean it works for all the kids. Late talkers are still at higher risks of developing language particularly higher language skills.

Myth 4 - Boys talk later than girls

TRUE- As per latest studies, girls tend to speak much sooner than the boys. They reach all milestones sooner than boys but only by a little difference. The biologist theorists believes that girls become mature sooner than boys and hence their brain develops for language sooner.

Myth 5 - Alternate Augmentative Communication (AAC) is the last option for communication.

FALSE- AAC includes all the different ways which can be used besides talking or verbal expression. Such as using gestures, body movements, sign language, written and electronic devices. AAC is not only for those who doesn’t have verbal expression but equally important for those who can talk too. It enhances and support verbal language.


The myths we’ve discussed, from the misconception that strict parenting styles lead to speech delays to the unfounded fears about bilingualism, only scratch the surface of the complexities of speech development.

Speech-language pathologists have the diagnostic tools for the assessment and evaluation of your child’s speech. There is a wide spectrum of speech disorders out there that have potential therapy and treatment.

The right help from a speech pathologist is all your toddler needs to be able to speak clearly, confidently, and effortlessly. Speech therapy can address selective mutism, expressive language disorder, and stuttering in children. The earliest interventions tend to have the best results.

At Power Learning Centre, we are committed to providing parents and caregivers with resources, support, and guidance on this crucial aspect of child development. We encourage you to explore our website for more information and resources on speech development and other aspects of child wellness.